Sunday, March 28, 2010

Peter Tewksbury: False Prophet or man of God

Peter W. Tewksbury

“False Christ, False Prophet, or man of God?”

Anyone who has ever had met Peter Wood Tewksbury, has wondered if he is on the correct path. Upon meeting this man, you will learn that he seeks large amounts of time to be alone, read his Bible, and pray while walking long distances. On the outside, it appears that he is seeking the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible, Jesus Christ the Nazarene. However, my detailed account of my personal experience with this man will prove that Peter Tewksbury is a misled and deceived individual who claimed to be God, “The Father, The Christ, and the ‘I AM’.”

Which Peter Tewksbury?

To be clear, when I refer to Peter Tewksbury, I am NOT referring to the famous Director/ Producer who died in February 2003. The Peter W. Tewksbury I am referring to was born and raised in Redding, Massachusetts.* Although I do not remember his precise birthday, he was born around 1965, which made him approximately 44 years old in 2009. To my knowledge, Peter said that he was very skinny in high school, but later gained lots of weight. In college, he graduated with a degree in Political Science from UMass. He eventually moved from Massachusetts to Arizona where he quit his job. Apparently, being the Vice President of Finance at a company called Insight, Peter handled millions of dollars in business venture lending, which allowed him to retire early. In the mean time, Peter says he became a Christian, sold (or gave away for free) his house and all his possessions, except whatever fit into a backpack. At one time, he was weighing close to 300 pounds. So, after many episodes of radical fasting, he lost approximately 120 pounds over some years. Also, he stands about 6’0 tall, bald head, with a full facial beard trimmed to half an inch long. He also traveled to Mexico, Pakistan, Sudan, Kenya, and other countries giving humanitarian aid to the people of the region and working with an orphanage in Pakistan and Mexico. Although I did not discover this information until after I severed all ties with Peter, I learned that this man was previously addicted to homosexual and child pornography. He spent most of his time in Indiana, Arizona, occasionally visiting his parents in Massachusetts, and a little time in Oklahoma. As a short synopsis, this is the Peter Tewksbury to which I am referring.

The Purpose of this Article

There are two reasons for me writing this article:

1. Peter needs to confess his sins, repent, and come to the true knowledge of Jesus Christ and be saved from this wickedness. Through this article, I hope his eyes may be opened to his terrible sins and return to the one true God.

2. Anybody who has had contact with Peter Tewksbury needs to understand the danger of associating and listening to his destructive teachings.

My Encounter with Peter

First, I, am here to simply tell you of my experience with Peter Tewksbury. I understand that other people have additional information to include about Peter, which I am interested and very willing to add to this article. Yet, I am focusing primarily on my encounter with this man.

I, PJ**, met Peter in June 2002, while visiting a church in Mesa, Arizona, my friend and I met Peter for the first time. At first, he seemed to be a very radical Christian, so we exchanged contact information because my family and I were moving to a suburb of Las Vegas, Nevada in a few weeks. Since I was starting college soon, I would only hear from Peter over the email, cell phone, or when I would visit friends in Arizona. As years progressed, I came to know Peter very well and even looked up to him as a mentor. More than anybody, he was the person continually telling me to read the Bible and pray more and more.

Eventually, Peter told me, via email or phone, that God had told him to stop going to church. Naturally, the next time I saw him, I sat down with Peter and told him Galatians 2 is an example that we are not supposed to separate ourselves from the church. In his crafty way, he manipulated the argument and explained that this is how God trains people in the wilderness alone with God. At the end of the conversation, Peter changed the topic and said it is not the Lord’s will for him to be married because it is better, in the opinion of the Apostle Paul, for one to remain single. Then, he proceeded to tell me that he was praying that I would also make this decision to remain celibate for the rest of my life too. However, I refused and we parted peaceably.

Until February 2008, I would only see Peter a few times each year with the occasional phone call or email. In February, he came to stay at my house for a few days and we discussed many things concerning doctrine, marriage, church leadership, apostasy of the church, debt, and many other topics. In reference to this apostate church, Peter created his own name for them by calling them ‘The Institution’ or ‘Laodicea.’ Although I did not discover this until later, the cult leader William Branham (1909-1965) also held very similar teachings. Yet, at the end of his trip, he was encouraging me to leave the ‘apostate church’ because it is an institution of man and not of God. A few weeks later, I stopped going to church thinking that it is how the Lord wants to prepare people for a real powerful ministry like Moses or John the Baptist. Since, Peter always had a Scripture to support what he was saying, it appeared to be true. Therefore, I kept listening to him.

While Peter was staying in Indiana, I visited him on two separate occasions. In September of 2008, I visited for almost a week. During this time, Peter told me that God had called me to be like the apostle Paul. In this calling, I would someday be an apostle, travel, have a powerful and miraculous ministry, and be single for the rest of my life. To be honest, I was not thrilled to hear this news. Yet, the only thing that interested me was the millions of people who would supposedly be saved as a result of this ministry. However, I still accepted it to be true because of the perceived spiritual maturity of Peter and my understanding of sacrificing my will for God’s will. In January 2009, I flew to Indiana again. As we conversed, Peter was recounting again all the grandiose ‘promises’ that the Lord had made for him. For example, Peter claimed the Lord was going enable him to play guitar better than anyone, people would give him millions of dollars, speak every language, teleport into different locations around the world, have a healing ministry with millions of people getting saved, and that he is and will be the most spiritually mature Christian of all time. Although all these ‘promises’ have the appearance of godliness with good motives, they are rooted in pride and the exalting of oneself (2 Tim.3:5, Col.2:18, and Luke 14:11). At this time, most people can see the natural progression of Peter exalting himself above everyone and everything. In the years prior to 2008, Peter would support most things he said with Scripture and would keep pointing to the Bible if there was any question to what he was saying. As time progressed, this man would continue to distort the Scriptures more and more to support his teachings (2 Peter 3:16). In time, there was more emphasis on his ‘promises,’ ‘experiences,’ and his ‘visions,’ and less emphasis on sound Biblical doctrine with strong Scriptural support.

The Cult Forms with False Doctrines/ Teaching

At the end of March 2009, I, 24 years old, moved to Arizona. In Arizona, I was introduced to another young man, Lou (19 years old), who was also following Peter. Then, the focus on the ‘promises’ started to increase more and more. At this time, Lou and my maturity in the Lord, according to Peter’s standards, started to grow and multiply rapidly. As Lou and I became friends, we obtained an apartment. Soon afterwards, Peter and Joe (Lou’s best friend and 21 years old) moved to Indiana and told us that we would be joining them soon.

At the beginning of August 2009, Lou and I arrived in Indiana. Within a few days of our arrival, Peter said that Lou and I are now considered to be ‘fathers’ in the Lord (along with Peter and Joe) and have now come to a place in our maturity with God where we will no longer sin for the rest of our lives. Furthermore, Peter said he has not sinned in many years and Joe has not sinned in a few weeks. With Peter, this was an essential doctrine which he firmly held. According to Peter, this doctrine of ‘sinless perfection’ it is supported mainly from the verse in 2 Peter 1:10 which says, “…for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble.” Yet, the phrase ‘never stumble’ is more accurately translated from the Greek to English by saying ‘never fall away’ or ‘never backslide.’ Because we believe that all four of us are now sinless, we believe every word in our speech is from the Lord. Therefore, this opens the flood gates for an explosion of self-deception and walking in the pride of our own hearts by no longer confessing our sins to God. In 1 John 1:8-10*** says,

“8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.”

As a result, we open the door for the devil, and Peter, to speak more lies to us under the cloak of ‘sinless perfection’ in Christ.

Next, Peter taught the doctrine of ‘bearing another’s sins’. In this doctrine, Peter said that after you have conquered your own sin by reaching ‘sinless perfection’, then you can ‘bear the sins’ of other people. For example, the Bible says, “Yet He Himself [speaking of Jesus Christ] bore the sin of many, And interceded for the transgressors” (Isaiah 53:12 words and brackets inserted by me). In 2 Corinthians 4:12 it reads, “So death works in us, but life in you.” By combining these verses, Peter taught that one could enter into Christ’s work on the cross, which was bearing the sins of the world because Jesus Christ was perfect. Then, Peter said that one can now pray for the sinners while your perfection can be put upon them and their sin and death is placed upon us. For instance, Peter told me that I am ‘bearing the sins’ of one of my friends, Mr. X. Yet, I still had lustful thoughts, I was impatient, fearful, etc. So, Peter’s way of explaining ‘why’ these sins remain in my heart is because the sin and death of Mr. X, is now being placed upon my shoulders and my ‘sinless perfection’ upon Mr. X’s shoulders. As a result, Mr. X can be free from the bondage of his lust or fear as I pray for him.

There are a many things seriously wrong with this doctrine. First and foremost, this is twisting and distorting the Word of God. Second, rather than admitting my own sin and confessing and repenting from the lustful thoughts in my mind, I am choosing to believe in a doctrine because I am fully convinced that I it is impossible for me to sin. In this hyper-Calvinistic teaching, I cannot sin because God would not allow me to sin anymore and He would restrain me from doing so. Consequently, I had to embrace this explanation so my whole house of cards, upon which I placed this doctrine, does not come crashing down and burn in flames. Third and most perilous, we were putting ourselves in the place of God. Most of all, we thought we could do that which only Jesus Christ could do. In 1 Peter 2:24, it clearly states that Jesus Christ is the only one who can bear sins and He bore our sins upon the cross so we might live through Him. Most assuredly, Peter’s doctrine was not only evil, but it is wickedness cloaked with the appearance of godliness.

Lastly, Peter believed that he was the prophet Elijah. In this, he believed that he had the same calling and manner of life as the Old Testament prophet Elijah, and the New Testament John the Baptist. Mainly, he said that he was the prophet to “prepare the way” as Peter ushers in the second coming of Jesus Christ. In addition to being Elijah, he believed that the Lord ‘promised’ to give him a ‘new tent’ or ‘new body’. In this ‘new body,’ he would have no blood flowing in his veins or arteries, this body would not be able to decay or be destroyed, but this body was going to feel physical pain. Peter also believed that he was going to do two things before he left earth. At the end of his life, he believed he will physically part and cross the Red Sea, like Moses, walk through the land of Israel, and part and cross the Jordan River, like the prophet Elijah. After accomplishing these two last miracles, he believed that he was going to ascend into heaven in a chariot of fire, also like the prophet Elijah. The Bible clearly states that the prophet Elijah has already come in the form of John the Baptist (Mat. 17:12-13 & Mark 9:13). Although Matthew and Mark are clear in their Gospel accounts, Peter had his own distortion of these Scriptures and refuses to repent and believe the Truth of the Word of God.

However, Peter was not the only person to think he was the prophet Elijah. William Branham also believed he was the modern day prophet Elijah called to “prepare the way” for the second coming of the Christ. In fact, these two have many things in common. For example, Peter spent much of his time in southern Indiana, while the Branham cult headquarters are about 20 miles away in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Both men believed the present churches, ‘Laodicea,’ and denominations are evil and told people to abstain from attending so you are not corrupted by their sins. Lastly, both leaders greatly devalued women. This seems to be an interesting coincidence where both men have such distorted views of women. Consequently, both men had many other similarities in doctrinal beliefs, but the important thing to notice is how the same deceiving spirit who misled William Branham is the same evil spirit that influenced Peter Tewksbury.

Peter W. Tewksbury claims to be God, the Father, and the ‘I AM’

At the end of August 2009, Peter flew from Indiana to Massachusetts and visited his parents for a few weeks. The morning of Peter’s flight, he took each one of us young men aside individually for a private conversation. While nothing of significance was said to Lou or me, Peter privately told Joe that God elevated Peter to being ‘the Christ’. Baffled, Joe asked Peter, “Are we supposed to bow down and worship you!?” At this, Peter said, “Not yet.” Then, Peter informed Joe that the other two (Lou and I) were not mature enough to handle this ‘new revelation,’ and therefore this information cannot to be repeated.

After their brief discussion, all four of us sat down in the apartment to pray. Before we prayed, Peter said that God changed Peter’s name from ‘Elijah’ to ‘Yeshua’ (‘Jesus’ in the Hebrew language). Then, Peter gave the name and calling of Elijah to Joe and the name Elisha to me, while Lou remained in the same calling. To support these declarations, Peter combined two verses (Isaiah 42:9 and 43:19) and said, “The Lord is doing a ‘new thing’ here.” For the first time, I started to fear that I have joined a cult. Likewise, Joe and Lou thought the same thing. After we prayed, Joe defiantly faced a cross on the wall, kneeled down and shouted, “Jesus is Lord!” At the airport, Lou and I remained oblivious to what Peter told Joe. Yet, the very last words Peter said to the three of us, in person, were, “I am not the Christ.” While Lou and I were comforted by this statement, this only added to Joe’s confusion.

While Peter was in Massachusetts, Joe started act more and more bizarre. One morning, while Joe was deeply troubled, he blurted out, “I do not know who to pray to anymore!” Without saying much more on the topic, I went for a walk. On this walk, I had one question for God, “Is this man, Peter Tewksbury, the Christ?” During this walk, I was reminded of John 1:20 where John the Baptist says, “I am not the Christ.” Concluding that this was the Lord, I told Joe that Peter was not the Christ. In response, Joe said, “That is not what he told me. You call him and ask him yourself.” Wanting to hear this claim from Peter’s mouth, I called him and asked, “Are you the Christ?” At first, Peter tried to dodge the question, but he eventually gave me a straight answer. He said, “The answer to your question is yes. I am ‘The Christ,’ ‘The Father,’ and The ‘I AM.’” As I hung up the phone, I was both terrified and enraged. Upon hearing about my conversation with Peter, all three of us young men felt a sense of great fear and anger as we realized, for the first time, that we have been deceived by a crazy cult leader.

Leaving the Cult

Although we started to realize that Peter was wrong, we were still brainwashed to consider whether these claims are be true or false. Since we were so very confused, the only thing we knew to be true was the Word of God. So, we carefully examined this recent claim and all the previous teachings of Peter. After searching the Scriptures for a few days, we found some very comforting verses.

1. If any person says “I am the Christ,” then do not believe him or her (Matt, 24:4-6, 23-27 & Mark 13:5-6, 21-22).

2. If any person says “I am the Christ,” then do not follow him or her (Luke 21:8).

3. If any person says “I am the Christ,” then he or she is engaged in the same activity of Satan and the man of lawlessness or son of destruction will do (2 Thess. 2:4, 3-12 & Daniel 11:36-37).

4. God will not share His glory with anyone (Isaiah 42:8, 43:11, 48:11).

5. Do not to fear false prophets or their lies (Deut. 18:20-22).

6. Every thing needs to be carefully tested to see if they are from the Lord (1 Thess. 5:21, Rev. 2:2, & 1 John 4:1).

7. Some people who chose to listen to deceiving spirits, like Peter, forbid marriage for others, like us three young men. (1 Tim. 4:1-3).

8. Peters insistence of our frequent fasting, chapter ‘quotas’ in Bible reading, time ‘quotas’ in prayer, and mileage ‘quotas’ in walking, working every day of the week, and so on, all have the “appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence” (Col.2:23, 16-23).

In short, this list of Scripture reassured my friends and me that Peter’s claims, teachings, and doctrine were false.

After knowing with certainty that Peter is a false prophet and false Christ, we then decided to confront him on this matter. While Lou and I were working on a project, Joe called Peter. In his conversation, Peter changed his story and told Joe that he was no longer ‘the Christ’, because it was “too great of a position for him to hold.” In fact, Peter asked Joe to give back the name and calling of Elijah, while Joe and I would return to our former names and callings. After their brief conversation, the three of us discussed what had happened and concluded that we all need to speak with Peter on the phone. So, all three of us called Peter and we were told a similar story. Although we attempted reason with him, he would not directly answer our Biblical arguments and proceeded to dominate the conversation by telling us about his new experience. Since, we were not interested in his new experience of 'being the Christ,' Peter changed his story again. In this alternate version of the story, Peter explained that he was not ‘the Christ’, but said, “I was seeing through the eyes of Christ.” Although Peter presently says he is not ‘the Christ,’ he has not repented of any of his teachings (sinless perfection, bearing others sins, etc.) and still is insistent that he did not sin when he confidently declared, “I am The Christ, The Father, and The ‘I AM.’” Yet, we now have two very different statements by a very deranged individual. On one hand, Peter confidently asserted, until we questioned him, that he was ‘The Christ.’ While on the other hand, he said that he was merely ‘seeing through the eyes of Christ,’ and stepped down from that lofty position. Lastly, this arouses another problem regarding the change of the names and callings. In the Bible, it says, “For I, the Lord, change not change;” (Malachi 3:6) and “the gifts and callings are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29). These two verses, along with Hebrews 13:8, make it impossible for God to change His status of being or sharing the Godhead position. Likewise, Romans 11:29 also proves that certain gifts and callings cannot change, or transfer ownership, back and forth. Therefore, while Peter unremorsefully declares his ‘new experience’ was true and he still has not sinned, one can clearly see how he is in direct opposition to the Word of God.

Subsequently, Lou, Joe, and I decided to sever all ties with Peter. So, we sent Peter a letter, which contained a few Scriptures and a brief statement stating that we will not receive any form of communication from him, whether by phone, email, or any other means. In spite of our request, he still attempted to leave multiple voicemails on our phones and multiple emails. In the process, we spoke with the head of the household of the ranch where we were residing in Indiana. After we explain everything in great detail to him and his wife, we all decided it would be wise for the three of us young men to contact other people who knew Peter because we, as Christians, are called to expose the deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:11 & Luke 12:3). In our conversation with this couple, we discussed 2 John 9-11;

“9- Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting; 11 for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds.”

As a result of this scripture, we all concluded that Peter would no longer be welcomed back on the ranch.

After all our contacts were informed of the current situation with Peter, there are two very significant events that took place. First, Peter would stay with a particular family in Arizona. Since I updated the man of the house of the recent events, he called Peter on the phone. In their conversation, this man clearly asked Peter if he claimed to be the Christ. At this, Peter lied and said, “I did not say that.” Second, the head of the household in Indiana also asked Peter a similar question on the phone. In this, he said, “Peter, how is it that I have here three young men all telling me that you claimed to be the Christ?” Again, Peter’s response was, “I do not have time to explain it, right now.” After this statement, Peter quickly ended the conversation. Unfortunately, these two examples show Peter’s willingness to lie when confronted with the truth. In Matthew 18:15-17 it states,

“15 If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. 16 But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.”

Again, 1 John 1:8-10 it says,

“8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.”

Currently, it is my personal belief that Peter Tewksbury is not a Christian, not saved, and the wrath of God abides on this man. I believe this because Peter still believes that he is the prophet Elijah, all the ‘promises,’ his own sinless perfection, bearing the sins of the whole world, and being the most mature Christian of all time. Yet, I believe nobody is without hope. However, Peter’s refusal to confess and repent causes him to be at enmity with God. Therefore, I believe Peter Tewksbury is a cult leader whereas anyone who dares talk with him should be careful to not participate in his evil deeds (2 John 11) and “take heed that he does not fall” (1 Corinthians. 10:12).

How to Avoid Joining a Cult?

Daily Read & Study the Word of God and Stay Connected with the Body of Christ

There are many websites that show the many characteristics and warning signs of a cult. After a very brief search, I found a few helpful links.

Cult Warning Signs:

How to Avoid Cult:

Through my experience, I have learned a few lessons which are essential for every believer.

1. Daily Read & Study the Word of God

Through our experience, Lou, Joe, and I were delivered from this cult, and cult leader, because God delivered us by His Word, the Bible. Among all the mistakes we made along our journey, there is one thing we did right. We diligently read and studied the Bible multiple times each day. So, I would encourage all to read/study the Bible daily as you seek the Lord.

Next, when a person realizes that he or she is in a cult, it is extremely difficult to trust anyone. Whether it is an ex-cult member, family, or friends, it is very easy to be skeptical and cynical of everyone, especially when you do not want to repeat past mistakes. Again, by daily reading and studying the Word of God along with the power of prayer, one can be set free from skepticism and cynicism. Moreover, God is able to show us the difference between what is true and what is false. For instance, James 5:16 says, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed.” While Proverbs 28:13 states, “He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion.” In my case, every time I confessed and told someone I recently escaped a cult, it was therapeutic and healing for my soul. Also, whether I talked to a friend, family, or someone else, I found many people to be very compassionate. Although the shame and fear of being ridiculed or condemned were present, I experienced the healing and found compassion just as it was promised in the Word of God. As a result, prayerfully and daily devoting time in the Word of God can help you avoid a cult or can deliver you from a cult because “you will know the truth and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32).

Here are some verses that instruct us to trust God as we prayerfully read and study the Bible:

1. 2 Tim. 3:16-17- “16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

2. Pr. 30:5- “Every word of God is pure, he is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.”

3. John 16:13- “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth;”

4. John 8:31-32- “31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

5. 1 Tim. 4:6- “If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed.”

6. 1 Tim. 4:13- “Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.”

7. 1 Tim. 4:16- “Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.”

8. Rev. 1:3- “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.”

9. John 17:17- "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth."

2. Do Not Isolate Yourself- Stay Connected with your Local Assembly of Believers/Church

1. Pr. 18:1- “He who separates himself seeks his own desire, He quarrels against all sound wisdom.”

2. 1 Peter 5:5- “You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (Also see James 4:6)

3. Hebrews 10:25- “not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

4. Genesis 2:18- “Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone;”

· Although Adam was living in the place of perfection with God, the Lord still acknowledged mankind’s need for fellowship with one another. Therefore, remember this statement was made by Lord God Almighty, and not men.

5. Galatians 2:11-14- “12 he began to withdraw and hold himself aloof,”

· While the apostle Peter separated himself from the rest of the group of Christians, the apostle Paul rebukes Peter for not being “14 straightforward about the truth of the gospel,”

6. Acts 20:29-30- “29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.”

7. Mat. 23:12- “Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” (Also see Luke 14:11 & 18:14)

First, it is commonly known that wolves hunt for those who cannot keep up with the herd, such as the weak, sick, young, old, and injured. Occasionally, a strong and healthy prey can be caught, but this involves the wolf chasing the prey to fatigue and winning the race of endurance. Since wolves hunt to survive, they want to conserve as much energy as possible. So, they typically chose the weak, sick, young, old, and injured because less energy is exerted to catch their prey. Therefore, they are an easier target. Likewise, false prophets, false Christ’s, false teachers, and cult leaders choose these types of prey because they are either the only thing they can seize with their lies or they are simply easier to catch. Often, the weak, naive, and young, are captured mainly because they were separated from the godly counsel of the Body of believers and the truth of the Gospel (Gal. 2).

Similarly, we are faced with a more cunning enemy that a physical wolf. Regarding this crafty foe, he comes as wolf in sheep’s clothing (Mat. 7:15), or “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14), and “prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). In fact, two of the many tactics used by these deceivers are removing you from the assembly of believers, and drawing you to themselves. To start, the enemy will sow seeds of judgment, self-righteousness, and pride by telling you that you are more knowledgeable, spiritual, and mature than these church people, and they are doing it all wrong. If these thoughts are not taken captive and destroyed, then one will eventually leave this church body. After you are separated from the church, one is more easily manipulated. Then, the person is drawn away after this wolf because they are perceived as being more spiritual than any other person. While the deceiver starts his following, he will eventually exalt himself more and more. Although most people would recognize this prideful exalting of oneself, the cult member is blinded to it because the manipulation and pride has developed into being brainwashed. Therefore, avoiding cults involves acknowledging and repenting of pride, humbling ourselves, being merciful to others in the Body of Christ, and remaining in fellowship with the assembly of believers.

3. Find a Good Bible-Believing Church

Characteristics of a good church:

Church Angel: Finding churches by state, city, and denomination:

To start, the church is not a building, but it is the local assembly of believers. In short, the church is people who are saved, not the walls. In my life, I have been to many churches from Arizona, Los Angeles, to Sin City/Las Vegas, to small town churches in the Midwest. Yet, in every place, there are churches that preach the truth of the Gospel and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ. Depending on how many churches are in your area, this may be may or may not be easy. In my opinion, one should look for a “local” body of believers within a reasonable distance from their residence. For instance, if you invite your neighbors to church, they usually will be more willing to attend if it is less than 25 miles away. Also, one will be more inclined to attend a Bible study or other weekly activities if the church is near, rather than far away.

Next, as one attends a church, he or she should be prayerfully observing the church with humility and caution. Regardless of where you go, one should always be on guard for false teachings or false practices. However, one should also beware of a critical spirit, constantly judging others, or thinking that you know God better than these people. To most people, this is called pride. If you find yourself in a place where you cannot find a good church that truly preaches the pure Gospel, then chances are good that the problem is not with the churches you are visiting. In my experience, I would say the problem is with you. I say this because I have been this person. Unfortunately, the pride in my heart prevented me from examining myself to see if pride has taken over. If you can relate to this, then I would recommend examining your heart too. In fact, the people who were rebuked most by Jesus were those who thought they were more righteous and spiritual than everybody else. So, being honest before God and men requires us to be vulnerable, expose our weaknesses, and admit that we cannot do it alone. As we admit our weaknesses, we become truly honest with ourselves and God. As we realize this truth, this honesty creates humility within hour hearts. Although our flesh does not like this humbleness, the Word says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). Therefore, humble yourself that you may find grace and mercy before the mighty hand of God.

Lastly, extend this grace and mercy to others as you look for a church. “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36) (Also see Mat. 5:7). On this temporal earth, there is no perfect church, there will never be a perfect church, and it certainly is not perfect the moment you or I walk in the doors. In fact, if every person seems to be perfect, then they are probably artificial and not being truly sincere about themselves. Therefore, look for a place where the people are honest about their weaknesses, genuinely care and love one another, provides the opportunity to grow together, be used by God to serve others, while you assemble and fellowship with the Body of Christ.

I invite you to email me for any thoughts, questions, concerns, request for clarity, prayer, etc. at:

*All the contents of this article are true and verifiable by many other persons who had contact with Peter W. Tewksbury.

**To protect the identities of myself and the other young men, I have changed our names to 'PJ', 'Lou', and 'Joe'. I did this because we do not want associated with Mr. Tewksbury in any way.

***All Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) or the New King James Version (NKJV).

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